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The Enhanced Country Poverty Assessment (ECPA) Update

The Department of Statistics in the Ministry of Sustainable Development wishes to inform the general public that the field activities of The Enhanced Country Poverty Assessment (ECPA) has come to an end.  And at this juncture, we wish to thank all respondents for their co-operation with our data collectors, who worked with a high level of professionalism on our behalf.

The ECPA project now moves into the second phase of data processing, tabulation and analysis, during the first quarter of 2020.  And considering this, we also take this opportunity to remind everyone that in compliance with the St. Christopher and Nevis Statistics Act of 2002, all individual information collected will used only for statistical analysis, and be kept in the strictest confidence, in that the results of the study would be published only at an aggregate level.

Notably, this study is important and timely for updating the information on the nature and scope of poverty, and related vulnerabilities amongst the people of the Federation (the last such study was conducted in 2007/2008, and it revealed that 14 percent of households lived in poverty).  This study would provide government agencies, the private sector and non-profit organizations with relevant, timely and accurate information that is needed to formulate and/or modify policies and programs that would positively impact the quality of life of the residents of St. Kitts-Nevis.

We look forward to presenting the results of the study to you- the general public via online postings, publications, community meetings and other avenues in the period after the first quarter of 2020- in addition to playing our role in contributing to the sustainable growth and development of Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Once again sincere thanks for your co-operation, we seek your continued support in all our data collection activities, and we look forward to serving you even more in the New Years, and beyond.

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